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Isomag Bearing Isolators Stop Leaks On Lightnin Mixer Compact Series

Jared Green

The Lightnin Mixer Compact Series is a chemical mixer found at our customer, H B Fuller Chemical in Georgia. The reliable and rugged compact series mixer has provided long, trouble free service in harsh, demanding applications, without sacrificing performance. For top entrance , the compact series mixer is the industry standard of reliability and technology in mixing. H B Fuller was in need of a better solution for this mixer. The Lightnin mixer compact series is positioned vertically, and needed positive sealing to prevent the loss of lubrication from falling into the process. Before Isomag bearing isolators were introduced, the plant was using lip seals. However the lip seals only help up for a short amount of time, and wore a groove in the shaft.

Lightnin Mixer Compact Series

Isomag bearing isolators are unique in that they are both a positive seal but also do not damage the shafts on the host equipment. The plant was introduced to Isomag bearing isolators through a channel partner in 2014, and are still running today.

A brochure for Isomag bearing isolators can be found here. Also as a reminder, Isomag bearing isolators can be custom made to fit your machine. Contact our customer service team and we will help you find the ideal solution for your needs.


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